Helping refugees find temporary housing

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Offer your space

Four walls and safety. We take it for granted, but it means the world to people displaced from their homes. Every space, room, and bed can make a huge difference in someone’s life. List your space to help a refugee find a peaceful place to stay.

Become a host

For refugees

Find a place to stay

We understand the importance of having a peaceful place to start rebuilding your life in a new country. Our platform makes it easier to find temporary housing that matches your needs and location.

Get started

Helfende Wände

Helping Refugees Find Homes

Helfende Wände is an initiative of Wunderflats and the non-profit organization ProjectTogether. We connect housing providers with individuals affected by conflict, helping them find suitable accommodation in times of need.

Initially launched as a pilot project in response to the crisis in Ukraine, Helfende Wände has grown to support over 7600 users and offers more than 1100 homes to Ukrainians in need of temporary housing. Our mission is to provide a safe haven for all refugees as they rebuild their lives.

How do housing providers and refugees find each other?

Housing providers add their listing on the platform—shared spaces, guest rooms, private apartments, serviced apartments or hotel rooms.

Then, people in need of housing can book the listing online in four simple steps.


The applicant sends a booking request

People in need of housing can browse available listings by city.Once they find a suitable listing, they can send a booking request via the platform.

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The housing provider accepts the request

Housing providers can accept or decline requests in their dashboard, where they also find an overview of all requests.

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The applicant confirms their interest

Once a housing provider accepts a request, we ask the person who sent the request to confirm their interest. This step prevents double bookings.

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The applicant and housing provider connect

Once the applicant has confirmed their interest, we share their contact information with the housing provider, so they can get in touch and arrange the move.

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powered by

To keep all users of the platform safe, we ask both those offering their homes and those in need of housing to verify their identity. We offer this service in collaboration with our secure partner Veriff.